Friday, September 16, 2011

Blow the dust off those make up brushes!

Never spend a dime on a makeup brush cleaner again!!!

Answer: Baby Shampoo!

Now I know that there are people who:  A. spend tons on brush cleaner, B. don’t even think twice about cleaning their brushes or C. Never use makeup because they have been blessed by the beauty goddess and should ignore this post. :)

I was looking in the mirror the other morning with disgust at how much I had let myself go. I decided I was going to get back into the swing of things and that started with putting just a little effort into myself.
I wanted to start fresh and clean. To get motivated I decided to first blow the dust off all my makeup brushes and thoroughly clean them. I had heard that baby shampoo works 10 xs better than actual brush cleaner and is sensitive enough to not damage them, but I had no IDEA how WELL it works!!! I have spent tons on solutions used by professional makeup artists and they don’t seem to work as well as this. I have found that I use a lot more of the solution than I do the baby shampoo and I have plenty of baby shampoo on hand (as most of us moms do) at a much cheaper cost.

Good make up brushes are costly! You want to of course get the best use of them, but also know they harbor lots of dirt and bacteria. Washing them frequently will not only prevent this, but will also keep your face clean and healthy. 

While many of us moms barely have enough time to even put makeup on (for those of us who need it…ME), this money saver tip just might lite the spark for you to find that time again.

1. Wet the brush with warm water.
2. Apply a small amount of shampoo to the bristles and work into a lather.
3. Rinse thoroughly and repeat step 2 if necessarily until no color leaves the brush.
4. Allow to air dry.

Another important tip is to “shape” bristles back to its original shape then lay them flat on a paper towel. 
DO NOT place them upright in a container. This will cause water to run back into brush/handle creating a home for bacteria and could also create rust depending on the type of brush. I like to place something like a pencil perpendicular to and under the brush handle to further decrease the chance of this happening. 

Now get cleaning and get to put some time into yourselves mommies!!

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