Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Welcome.. "Whats whispering to you?.."

“What’s whispering to you and will you hear it? Your life is speaking to you and what does it say?“ Oprah Winfrey.
For several weeks I have had thoughts about adding my .02 cents to some type of blog. The idea of sharing my thoughts and experiences, be them good or bad, has crossed my mind on numerous occasions. Last week, Oprah made that statement during the final episode of her show and it has really resonated with me. Therefore, I today have decided to actually take the leap into the blogging pool. (SPLASH!!!). I am not sure if it was the fear of starting something new or the effort of getting it started that was holding me back, but after a few hours of experimenting with layouts, colors, (BLAH BLAH BLAH) I have finally gotten the page to a point in which I am satisfied. Well, I did take a lot of breaks for diaper changes, feedings, playtime, etc.
G.E, as I will refer to her in my blog, is my first bundle of joy. I am sooo proud of her patience with me today. And as I speak of her the “borrowed time” which has allowed me to create my blog and start my first post has just ended. She has decided to chew on mommas freshly cut “Save $1.00” Lysol disinfectant spray coupons as she sits in my lap while I type at the kitchen table. Boy do I love her. The very same coupons that I had hesitated on even keeping in the first place. Why? Because prior to being a mom I was not a “couponer” and clipping coupons simply “took toooo much time and effort”. Now don’t jump to conclusions, I have no intention of signing up for the new hit TLC series Extreme Couponing, but I did come to the decision that it would only be wise to take advantage of some of the coupons that did come my way in order to save some money. As you know we now have G.E‘s never ending expenses to add to our monthly budget, but I will get into “extreme couponing” another day its bed time now.
But before that, I did want to end on this note:
Moms have so many hats to wear and for that I want to remind other moms that we have earned an A+ for effort, patience, commitment, sacrifice and the list goes on. As I have stated in my profile I created this blog because I am learning that motherhood comes with its own set of chapters that belong in a book of its own. I want to share my experiences, questions, "Ah ha" moments and so much more with others and hope to gain knowledge, support and insight from the experiences of other moms I come in contact with through this blog as well. So here goes… I hope you all ENJOY! See you later!

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