Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Double Trouble

I have been away too long.. So much has been going on:  my birthday, Father’s Day, etc that I have not had 2 seconds to post, but I just had to get this one in today. More post to come in regards to what has been keeping me busy soon .

However, today I decided to take on my childhood friends 3 month old son Riley. My G.E, now 11 months and “baby Riley” wore me out something major today. I am now sitting in bed at 10pm and its been MONTHS since I have touched a bed this early.  I will say though, that I am very much proud of my G.E‘s behavior today. She did not get too jealous, she was very gentle with the baby and she didn’t get too frustrated with my “off scheduleness”.  Riley’s mom couldn’t recognize a schedule if it slapped her in the face J.   I should have known what  I was in for when I asked as she was leaving how often he ate (every 2 hrs or so) and her response was “Oh I don’t know. Whenever he gets fussy”.  I think he drank 32 oz in 8 hrs!! Now I am not one that has an inflexible/ ridiculous schedule. I have THOSE in-laws that can not travel 2 hrs or plan a grocery store trip if it interferes with their 3 yearr olds schedule and make sure all visits regardless of who you are come with a 2 week notice. However, I do believe that a little bit of a schedule helps my G.E adapt to pretty much any situation.  I don’t just restrict bed/nap time to letting her fall asleep in my arms, but also laying her down awake in her bed around the time she normally takes a nap. I do this so when we travel she is not too hard put to sleep, she is use to both. Finally about mid afternoon I was able to get their schedules somewhat synchronized to the point that nap times were at the same time (I needed a break from both). However, it did create somewhat of a problem when both work up hungry at the same time. I don’t even think that I sat down for lunch until about 4pm. I plan on helping my dear sweet lovely childhood friend on a regular bases because I do understand childcare cost two arms and two legs for infants (hence the reason that I am a stay-at- home), but I need help on how to not be the woman feeding a bottle to a baby in my arms and soothing another by rocking them in a bouncer with my foot again! I don’t know anyone who has dealt with caring for two babies so close in age before! HELP!!!!

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